Available on CD and all popular music platforms.

At: Radio Relativa (Madrid) on April 12, 2023
& NC248Radio (Gijón) on April 24, 2023

Jorge Granda born in Oviedo, Asturias, Spain on 1985. He is a composer and music producer with over 15 years of experience in the fields of soundtracks composition and music production. He has released 12 albums as a composer and produced around 40 soundtracks for independent cinema and visual media. Currently, he operates under his own record label, Granda Records for all over the world.
“The recording of my album ECHOES at LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial was very hard but at the same time really stimulating. I spent many hours and many days recording all the instruments, mixing with a high level exigence and realizing all processes. When I accessed to the sound lab for the first time in August 2022, all windows at the space were hidden and all was very claustrophobic. I started conversations with the centre to change the space, opening windows and then contributing in many aspects to create a better place. Not just for me but the next generations of future sound artists and musicians.”
Jorge Granda